Are you working on your VWA or diploma thesis in the STEM (=science, technology, engineering, mathematics) field? Then submit a PDF of your work including a short statement (recommendation with justification) from your supervising teacher!
From all submissions, the jury will select the three most innovative works. These will be awarded at the ISTA Open Campus on 9th of June 2024 and published as posters. The winning young researchers will be invited to briefly present their work to the audience at the award ceremony and will also have the opportunity to experience excellent research at first hand during a research day at ISTA.
Deadline: Sunday, 14.April 2024, 23:59 (CEST) Extended to Sunday, 21st of April 2024, 23:59 (CEST)
Submit your VWA/thesis and your recommendation, together with your name, email address, class & school to